Sunday, May 10, 2009

The power of a group

As most of you know when I was first diagnosed with BC I joined a support group through the Cancer Centre called Stepping Stones. Once the program was over, my group continued to meet. I have found the women to be very kind, loving, and help. Plus be laugh our guts out! Our meetings are a blast, we rotate between house and spend most of our time catching up on every one's treatments, fears, latest test results, and eating yummy treats. But before we dig into the treats, we read either a prayer or a reflection to help remind us that we are strong and that God (or a Higher Power) is with us. Last week's reflection really touched me so I thought I'd pass it along.

Lately God seems to be filling my pool an inch deeper than I am tall. But I've made a startling discovery while treading water. This storm raging across my bow has the power to push me out of the pool and into uncharted territory. It can strip away my comfort, ground my best laid plans and capsize my flimsy little boat. But it does not have the power to capsize me! The rock I am clinging to does not shift when the wind blows. And, thank God, I am still able to choose my outlook. My outlook can determine whether this experience is painful or profitable. My attitude can help me see that my problem isn't really the problem. It is the way I look at it! Could it be that I need to let go of the things I cannot change and focus on the one thing I CAN.

Sounds a bit like the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

I cannot tell you how many times I have said the Serenity Prayer since being diagnosed. I especially used it each time I was on the operating table!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a beautiful Soul. You are Serenity even if it doesn't feel like it on the inside... This one is for you...

    Healing is not forcing the sun to shine, but letting go of that which blocks the light.”
