Saturday, January 31, 2009

48 hours has taken on a whole new meaning

In approximately 48 hours I will be sitting in the Cancer Centre getting my first chemo treatment. Am I scared? Oh yeah! BC, it's treatment, and all the unknowns are frightening.

In the last month or so I have been in "information overload" mode. Everytime I have an appointment (and there have been many) I leave with a package of information. I've managed to read most of it but realized last night after chatting with MC that I have forgotten (or blocked) lots of information. So there I was sitting at the dinning room table referring back to the 30-page PowerPoint presentation about chemotherapy. Is this what my Friday nights have become?

Some of the rules around chemo make sense .... others are just plain old weird.
  • Drinks lots of water - check
  • Limit caffeine - in the works
  • Limit sugar - I ate ice cream yesterday and may again today .... this one may be challenging
  • Limit alcohol - no problem
  • Stay out of crowded areas - check
  • Exercise - check
  • No spicy food - I'm going out for dim sum today ... where I will be eating hot sauce!
  • No cleaning the cat litter or picking up dog do .... yahoo ... you're on Mik!!
  • Use a condom for 48 hours after chemo ... who in the hell is having sex?

And, the weirdest of all ... for the first 48-hours after chemo, every time you pee you have to close the toilet seat and flush twice! Now, only Mikeala and a couple of my live-ins would know this ... but I don't flush everytime I pee!

So, now that I have 48 hours of semi-freedom left, what am I going to do? Well, first things first, have dim sum with my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and neice ... Mik might join us ... if she's back from MW's in time. Try to hit the slopes or the canal, visit Starbucks with GD, and at some point, clean the house and finish the laundry!


  1. Yes - I noticed an unflushed toilet at your house on weds....oh well perhaps this whole experience will help you turn over a new leaf in the toilet flushing dept???

    See you in a couple of hrs!


  2. Power of positive thinking my friend! You are going to get through this like everything else - with grace, strenghth, faith and of course -a little humour! Love the blog!!

    Talk to you this week!
