Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Drug-free last night

I opted out of taking my morphine pills last night because one of the side effects is nausea and I was already feeling off from the chemo. I didn't sleep very well last night but it wasn't because of any discomfort ... I knew I had to take anti-nausea pills at 4:00 a.m. So I spend most of the night with one eye on the clock. Finally, at 3:00 a.m., after wrestling to get comfortable, I decided to get up ... change my p.j.'s, have a drink, and surf the net.

So far this morning, I feel OK. My stomach is a little off, I'm tired, and I have no appetite. But I'm going to try and eat a couple of soda crackers and get some more sleep. I may even take a pain pill later today.

Finding a comfortable way to sleep has been a big pain in the butt lately! Before BC, I slept on my tummy or on my right side. Since the surgery, sleeping on my tummy is out of the question as is my right side. I was finally getting used to sleeping on my left side .... and then my veins started to give me grief (cause a fair amount of pain in my left arm). So now the only position left is my on back and I'm not a fan! I've tried it with a pillow under my knees, not having a pillow under my head, two pillows under my head ... it's just not working for me!!


  1. I feel your pain. Try gathering all your pillows together and sort of creating a pillow sandwich on each side. It really makes it feel like you're sleeping on your side. (I had to sleep on my back after my foot surgery - for months... this is how I did it.)

  2. Thanks for the tip. I slept much better last night.
