Friday, February 20, 2009

Woo hoo for private health insurance!

I am so grateful that I'm a public servant with a private health insurance! Today not only did I have an ultra sound appointment at 7:10 a.m., I also learned that I would need IV hydration and an injection to increase my white blood cells after each chemo treatment.

The hydration is pretty easy and should help with the nausea. Basically, all we need to do is keep the chemo IV in for a couple of extra days so my HomeCare nurse can come and hook me up to saline.

Now, the neutalus injection is a little different. Since my white blood cells, specifically my neutrophils, are low ... borderline according to Dr. Y ... this injection (given the day after chemo) will boost my white blood cell count. And seeing that my HomeCare nurse will already be at my house, she'll give me the injection (thank God cause I don't think I could give myself a needle). She'll probably give it to me in my hip or butt. So far so good ... until I found out the cost ... get ready ... it's crazy ... $2,600 per injection!

It was at this moment that gratitude kicked in. My insurance will pay for 80% ... good good ... but that still leaves $520 (every 3 weeks). Please! I can't even go there! Thankfully my nurse told me about the Victory Program. Victory will pay the remaining 20%. So the bottom line is the injection is 100% covered. I will only be responsible for the 80% up front cost until my insurance company reimburses me.

Now, if I could just get SunLife to expedite there health claims process I'd be laughing!


  1. Hi Tracey - sounds like you're doing better today after that crazy ordeal at the hospital. Except for being shocked about the $$ - Holy CRAP, who knew staying healthy could cost sooo much! I love your pics - you look great! I know you probably don't want to hear it, but you really look like She in the 'shaved head' pic. I'm not sure she would like that I said that :)
    Take care - keep up your spirits! Love Lynn

  2. Hi Lynn - when Mikeala first saw me with my head shaved she said that I looked exactly like mom too! Of course, I reminded her that there is a bit of an age difference but that didn't seem to change her mind. Give the kids a kiss for me. xox
